'Down to Earth' campaign
During lockdown, almost no NZers were flying. No one was leaving their region (let alone the country). Work meetings and conferences that previously 'had to be done in-person' and thus required flying people around, suddenly were able to take place online.
Flying is really bad for the climate. Aviation makes up roughly 5% of global emissions.
So, let's generate enthusiasm for maintaining lower levels of flying in our sustainable reset for Aotearoa.
The following is a collection of actions that individuals can take to #staygrounded and to raise awareness about why restricting flights is important, and build experience-based and evidence-based knowledge and demand for alternatives.
And for the seasoned, how about a spot of political advocacy too?
Commitment/Pledge-based ideas:
Create a personal profile on the No Fly Climate Sci website (or encourage your institution to) and share it on social media.
Join the Fly-Less Kiwis facebook group and invite 5 friends/whānau members to as well
Awareness and knowledge raising actions:
When planning a trip for work or play, regardless of whether you choose to fly or not, use the Toitū Carbon Calculator for Travel to work out the exact impact of your transport decisions.
Document a post-lockdown inter-regional trip where you didn't fly. How did you travel instead and how was it different to flying? Measure the difference your choice not to fly made in terms of climate impact. Share your story in a blog or social media post.
Read Shaun Hendy's short book #NoFly alongside a group of friends/whānau and share your reflections afterwards in a short video, blog or social media post with the hashtag #nofly
Political advocacy
Write to the Minister for Transport to ask him what he's doing to discourage people from flying e.g. introducing fuel taxes, frequent flyer levies.
Remember, when sharing on social media, to tag us @resetaotearoa and include this page's URL
This project is being led by Hannah and Liam -