Why is this Important?
We won't bore you too much with the details, of which most of us are already too familiar. You’ve seen the charts and graphs. You’ve seen the news reports. We get it by now - we’re in the midst of a climate and ecological crisis. And the disruption that we’re experiencing now, as a result of Covid-19, pales in comparison to what lies ahead unless we take massive steps to reset our society.
Thankfully, our lockdown response has shown us that change is possible. Over the last few weeks, many of us have experienced a more mindful way of living. We’ve seen what happens when we cut our consumption. Cleaner air, reduced carbon emissions, clearer waterways, quieter neighbourhoods, lowered spending, improved health, more connection with the land and our loved ones.
Further Reading
We have achieved changes that were previously thought of as impossible. So many lifestyle trappings we previously thought were an absolute priority have now revealed themselves to be replaceable.
Humans are an adaptable and resilient bunch and we will make it through to the other side of this pandemic. And, when we do, let’s remember how good it felt to work together for a common goal. It’s not time to regress back into old bad habits. It’s time to take the best bits of our lockdown experience, and the changes that have already happened, and make them our new normal. Let’s Reset Aotearoa.
I won’t forget how this has brought our village together. One neighbour brought us eggs, seed sharing, tool swapping instead of buying (‘left by the shed for you’), through-hedge conversations of “are you ok mate?”
Poppy M.
I have been enjoying many things… the quietness and cleaner air from less traffic, the closer connection with my tamariki, hearing more birdsong and less stress from not rushing from place to place.
Liz P.
Let’s end pointless traffic jams and build a future with more time for friends and whānau, greater mobility to explore this beautiful country, cleaner air, zero emissions and more meaningful, well-paid work.
Chloe S.
Sonya R.T.
We will not go back to normal. Normal never was. Our pre-corona existence was not normal other than we normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, depletion, extraction, disconnection, confusion, rage, hoarding, hate and lack. We should not long to return, my friends. We are being given the opportunity to stitch a new garment. One that fits all humanity and nature.