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These projects are happening now - feel free to get involved in as many as you like.

Live Projects

You can also grab an idea from the 'Your Ideas' page and start a new project here. (email us the details and we will add it to this page).

Copy of Like a Boss campaign.png

Like a Boss

Use the "Like a Boss" poster template to celebrate your DIY escapades with friends and family.


Take a photo of an item you have made or repaired (instead of buying it new) and insert it into the poster template whilst filling in text e.g. MADE a boss!  Also, add a photo of your face to make sure people know who did the DIY-ing.

Share finished poster on social media etc.

Go to dedicated Like a Boss campaign page for more instructions and info.   


Down to Earth

Create a collection of actions for people to take (and share) to help them #staygrounded and generate enthusiasm for maintaining lower levels of flying.

Commitment/Pledge-based ideas:

  • Create a personal profile on the No Fly Climate Sci website (or encourage your institution to) and share it on social media

  • Join the Fly-Less Kiwis fb group and invite 5 friends/whānau members to as well

Awareness and knowledge raising actions:

  • Document a post-lockdown inter-regional trip where you didn't fly. How did you travel instead and how was it different to flying? Use an online travel calculator to measure the emissions you saved by not flying. Share your story in a blog/social media post.

  • Read Shaun Hendy's short book #NoFly alongside a group of friends/whānau and share your reflections afterwards in a short video, blog or social media post with the hashtag #nofly


Go to dedicated Down to Earth campaign page for more instructions and info.   

Other Local Environmental Actions in Response to Covid-19

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